Eric Karpman
Eric Karpman has over 17 years of a broad financial industry experience spread across investment banking (Fuji Bank, JJ Kenny, Renaissance Capital),asset management (The Bank of New York Mellon Asset Management), fixed income trading (Bear Stearns) as well as most recently algorithmic trading and trading strategy consulting (Bloomberg – Trading Strategy Group).
Throughout his career, Eric and his teams have successfully implemented electronic trading systems with direct interfaces to the Street as well as the algorithmic, program and direct market access trading platforms for instant market analysis, decision-making capabilities and straight-through processing. Eric has also held a number of senior positions (Co-Chair of Technical Committee, Member of Steering Committee) at FIX Protocol Limited where he was involved with the direction and strategy of this messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. Eric holds an M.B.A. degree in Finance from the New York University Stern School of Business.