Sergey Andrjeevskiy
Sergey Andrjeevskiy - project Manager of Exigen Services - will talk about practical details of Planning Game organization and will give some advices for customization of PG. |
Andrew Bibichev will give an overview of modern approaches to design: Model-Driven Design (MDD), Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Feature-Driven Development (FDD). |
 Andrew Bibichev |
Matvei Braginski
Matvei Braginski - the author brings forward his observations regarding work management organisation in software development, gives options of management configuration and suggests a scheme of developments documentary support |
Dino Manca
Giulio Concas, Sara Didaci, Dino Manca, Michele Marchesi, Marco Melis, Guido Porruvecchio - will present Regulus, a project management tool and software metrics suite able to support software development performed with agile and non-agile processes |
Sara Didaci
Anatoliy Doroshenko
Anatoliy Doroshenko- Professor of National University of Technology “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”; Konstantin Zhereb - He is also R&D lead at INTSPEI - will talk about technique for automating GPU application development, based on rewriting rules approach. will demonstrate the possibilities of the approach when migrating from sequential C# program to its parallel analog. |
Konstantin Zhereb
 Stanislav Fomin |
Stanislav Fomin (CustIS) will describe two essentially different version control paradigms (centralized and distributed) and will analyse their advantages and drawbacks in the context of corporate development. |
 Stanislav Fomin |
Stanislav Fomin (CustIS) will report about the test management system Testopia, which “doesn’t take” any extra functions and leaves it for more specialized tools. |
Yuri Gubin - bachelor of informatic - will talk about a realization of neuro-automata based controlling based on neural networks and automaton paradigm. |
Yuri Gubin
 Vladimir Itsykson |
Vladimir Itsykson - head of software development lab in (SPbSPU) - will talk about the solution to the problem of automatic defect detection in industrial software |
Andrey Karpov
Evgeniy Ryzhkov - CEO of OOO “Program Verification Systems”; Andrey Karpov - scientific adviser of OOO “Program Verification Systems” - will talk about source code static analysis methods and tools that allow to detect a large number of floating errors in parallel programming. |
Evgeniy Ryzhkov
Alexey Tyrva -postgraduate student of Petersburg State Transport University will propose the approach to the estimation of program reverse semantic traceability (RST) influence on program reliability with assistance of object-oriented metrics |
Alexey Tyrva
Anton Khritankov
Anton Khritankov - lead software engineer at Auriga Inc. - will propose an original approach to project profit estimation and feasibility study at proposal preparation phase |
Alexander Kondakov - the only one authorized Russian SEI instructor - will talk how to avoid some errors in processes of CMMIR guidelines introduction and preparation for official CMMI certification. |
Alexander Kondakov
 Andrej Krajnc |
Andrej Krajnc, Marjan Hericko, Uros Goljat (University of Maribor) will talk about Software Factories approach and its benefits. |
 Marjan Hericko |
Alexey Lyanguzov
Alexey Lyanguzov - test lead, Sun Microsystems - will give some recommendations and examples how Context Driven Testing works in practice |
Julia Nechaeva - testing team manager at NIX Solutions- will gives some receipts how to work with customer that will help testing team to prevent the problems. |
Julia Nechaeva
Oleg Ridchenko
Oleg Ridchenko - Director Project Management at Intetics - will talk about specifics of IT-related management practices and entry-level project managers from Eastern European countries such as Russia, Belarus or Ukraine. |
Serguei Roubtsov - researcher and consultant at the Laboratory for Quality Software (LaQuSo) - the normalized distance from the main sequence, denoted Dn, is a popular object-oriented metric. The author will propose a statistical model characterizing the average value of Dn, and distribution of Dn |
Serguei Roubtsov
Sergey Rymsha
Sergey Rymsha – project manager in Exigen Services; Vladimir Erofeev – IT projects manager in Exigen Services; Nikolay Shevelev – project manager in Exigen Services - will talk how agile can help companies in Media and Publishing industry |
Sergey Zykov - associate professor at State University - The Higher School of Economics - will talk about refactoring of the message delivery system using Domain Driven Development and Domain Specific Language approach, explain the concepts of DDD and DSL, reveal key benefits that are followed within DDD and DSL approach |
Sergey Zykov
Dmitry Vavilov
Dmitry Vavilov - manager of St.-Petersburg System Engineering team, Motorola - will talk about significant experience of Motorola in system engineering and development of applications for different digital television platforms used in the US and Europe. |
Artem Zarafyants - project manager, EMC2 - will discuss general problems usually solved by management applications, and show pros and cons of CIM (Common Information Model) and MOF (Managed Object Format) |
Artem Zarafyants
Sergey Zykov
Sergey Zykov - associate professor at State University - The Higher School of Economics - will talk about integral approach to Enterprise software system lifecycle support and discuss its possible implementations |