Programming for Open Platforms at Universities: Experience of Joint Activity of Petrozavodsk State University and Nokia University Cooperation Program |
Yury Bogoyavlenskiy, Anatoly Voronin, Dmitry Korzun, Alexandr Borodin, Alexandr Kolosov, Mikhail Kryshen |
In this paper, we show that Russian state educational standards “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” and “Information Systems and Technology” are appropriate for teaching students to industrial programming tools and technology on open platforms. We introduce our scheme of study courses that provides mastering students to the software development competences. The core of scheme is the course on Software Engineering (SE) for 3rd year students. The approach essentially facilitates “the phase transition” of a student personality from her/his educational activity to the labor one, accelerating admission of graduates into manufacturing processes of the software industry. The approach applicability is demonstrated with examples of software engineering projects for Nokia Internet tablets on open platform Maemo Diablo 4.1. |
Bio Anatoly Voronin graduated from Petrozavodsk State University, specialization “Mathematics”, in 1983. In 1988 he became the Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialization Computer and system software. In 1992 he became the head of the Chair of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. From 1996 till 1999 Anatoly Voronin was a Vice-rector for Education, from 1999 till 2006 he worked as the First vice-rector. In 2005 he received a Doctoral Degree in Technical Sciences. The Full Professor Degree was achieved in 2006. Anatoly Voronin has been the Rector of Petrozavodsk State University since 2006. His scientific research interests are concentrated on mathematical modeling of control systems, work planning for large enterprises, organizations and complexes, methods of solution of optimizing tasks and their application in management of organizations and enterprises, projecting of applied and administrative information systems, automation systems for enterprises. He is the author of more than 150 research and educational publications. He has been awarded by the Government of the Russian Federation as well as the Government of the Republic of Karelia. |
Bio |
Bio Alexander Kolosov received his Spec. degree (2007) in Information systems and Technologies from the Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU). He is a teacher and programmer at the Department of Computer Science, PetrSU. His teaching activity includes courses on computer science, computer architecture, UNIX programming, and software engineering. He is a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Mathematics, PetrSU. His research area includes network management, object oriented programming, and open mobile platforms. He has dealt with Maemo programming since 2008 and currently he is a manager of student SE projects for the Maemo platform. |
Bio Dmitry Korzun received his B.Sc. (1997) and M.Sc (1999) degrees in Ap-plied Mathematics and Computer Science from the Petrozavodsk State University (Russia). He received a Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics from the St.-Petersburg State University (Russia) in 2002. His current research includes network analysis, discrete modeling, software engineering, algorithm design, linear Diophantine analysis, and parsing methods. He is an Associate Professor at the Petrozavodsk State University since 2003. He is a visiting research scientist at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (Finland) since 2005. He is an author of more than 50 research and educational publications. |
Bio Alexander Borodin received his B.Sc. (2002) and M.Sc (2004) degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the Petrozavodsk State University (Russia). He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, PetrSU. His teaching activity includes courses on programming, networking and computer architecture. His research area includes wireless networks performance analysis and open mobile platforms. He has dealt with Maemo programming since 2008 and currently he is a manager of student SE projects for the Maemo platform. |
Bio Yury Bogoyavlenskiy received his M. Sc (1970) degree in Computer Engineering from Georgian Polytechnic Institute (Tbilisi, Georgian Republic, former USSR). He received a Ph. D. Degree in Technical Cybernetics from the Georgian Polytechnic Institute in 1978. He is with the Petrozavodsk State University as an associate professor since 1989 and as a Chair of the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics since 2000. He conducted research and developments in the areas of dynamic systems identification, multiuser monitors, software engineering, local ISP performance analysis, transformation programming. Currently his research is concentrated in areas of network management systems and computing teaching strategy. Dr. Yury Bogoyavlenskiy has made the fundamental contribution into introduction of the Bachelor (1993) / Master (1997) scheme of student education. He has planned and organized the usage of open source software tools for laboratory works, as well. He is author of more than 130 research and educational publications. He has awards of Russian Federation and Republic of Karelia Governments. |