
This presentation deals with Intel multicore CPUs and the ways Intel® Software Development Products help developers to optimize their products for parallel technologies. The development of microprocessor technologies has reached the stage where physical factors prevent infinite increase of processor frequency. Therefore, it appears more efficient to increase application performance by threading the code. Today most computers are multi-core and allow for command performance in several parallel threads, so Intel offers two product lines facilitating optimum utilization of such features.
The first line includes products focused on creating high-performance multithreaded applications: Intel® C++ and Fortran Compiler, Intel® Math Kernel Library, Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP), Intel® Threading Building Blocks, Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer, Intel® Thread Profiler, Intel® Thread Checker, Intel® Cluster Toolkit, Intel® MPI Library, Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector (ITAC), Intel® Premier Support. One example of efficient application of these products is Maya from Autodesk, which achieved 7-fold performance increase when executed on an 8-core system.
The second product line includes products aimed at analysis, tuning and performance improvement of threaded applications – Intel® Parallel Studio containing four parts: Intel® Parallel Advisor, Intel® Parallel Composer, Intel® Parallel Inspector, Intel® Parallel Amplifier.